Spain’s healthcare system (Sistema Nacional de Salud or SNS) delivers outstanding health outcomes for its people. And our experience is that healthcare in Spain for Expats is exceptional, with a catch. And while Spain has a free universal healthcare system, only some residents can use it. Read on for more details.
Note: There is no public or free dental care; all dentistry is private “user pays.”
How does the Healthcare System in Spain work?
Spain has both public and private healthcare systems, which run in parallel.
The free public system is run by the Ministry of Health and subsidized by taxpayers through the social security system.
Large companies and individual healthcare professionals deliver the private “user-pay” system. Most people using the private system use Spanish Private Health Insurance to cover their costs.
Private Healthcare in Spain
Most Expats use the private health system in Spain, either exclusively or with the public system. And many international citizens (including those who retire in Spain) need the insurance for their visa. Interestingly, around 25% of Spain’s population also pays for private health insurance to use private healthcare.
The private system includes:
- General Practice Doctors
- Specialists
- Clinics
- Hospitals
- Services like mental healthcare, physiotherapy, and ophthalmology.
- Dentistry and orthodontics
- Complementary or alternative treatment
Private Medical / Health Insurance
As an Expat, you’ll most likely have medical insurance in Spain. It may be as a visa requirement or for access to the private system. There are many companies offering a range of options; it is confusing. Check out our guide to private health insurance in Spain. Or, use the simple form below to get three quotes from leading companies that Expats love.
How To Access Private Medical Services
In general, you can go directly to a private medical professional, clinic, or hospital and book an appointment. You’ll sometimes need to pay a fee upfront. I occasionally use a private physiotherapist who I pay by credit card after each visit.
The process depends on your insurer if you have a private medical insurance plan. You may need to pre-authorize a visit or use an agreed provider. Our insurer has an easy-to-use web portal where I can find a medical professional near me or book an online telehealth appointment.
Note: Very few health policies cover complementary or alternative therapies. You’ll usually need to pay the full charge yourself.
READ ALSO: Private Health Insurance Spain >> How To Pick Perfect Cover
Our Experience of Private Medical Care in Spain
We’ve been amazed at the high patient care and support levels when our family has used GPs and specialists for various issues. There were two exceptions. We were disappointed with the expertise and advice from an insurance company-recommended dentist and a direct specialist. In both cases, a single visit was enough to move.
3 Specific Areas That Need Special Attention
There are three areas where private health insurance in Spain can be complex. We’ve written detailed guides for each to help you navigate these areas.
- Private Health Insurance for Residency and Visa Applications and Renewals.
- Private Health Insurance for Over 75s.
- Cover for Pre-Exisiting Conditions.
Need Spain Private Health Insurance?
We constantly monitor the market and recommend only insurers whose policies meet visa requirements for all of our clients and who are recommended by friends and the community.
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Public Healthcare in Spain
Spain has free universal healthcare for all Spanish citizens and some resident non-citizens. The Ministry of Health oversees the system, which is administered regionally and locally. This split means that the 17 autonomous regions of Spain each have an individual health system with local ways of working.
Who gets free healthcare in Spain?
All Spanish citizens have free healthcare in Spain. In addition, there are groups of non-citizens who are also eligible.
- Residents who pay social security contributions (employed or self-employed).
- Residents who receive qualifying benefits or a Spanish pension.
- Pregnant residents.
- Students under 26 who are registered to study in Spain.
- European Union (EU) citizens visiting Spain with an EHIC card.
- Retirement-age EU citizens resident in Spain.
- People who make non-employment contributions to social security via el convenio especial con la Seguridad Social.
What Services Are Available Through The Public Medical System?
- General Practitioners
- Emergency Care
- Primary Care, including pediatrics
- Nursing Services
- Physiotherapy
- Specialist Health Coverage
- Hospital and Surgical Procedures
- Medical Testing
- Prescription medicine subsidies (You pay some of the total cost.)
What services are not covered?
The public system does not cover dental treatment, including orthodontic treatment. You should have private medical coverage with dental included or a dental-only policy.
How To Use Public Medical Services
- Sign up with your local public health authority. They’ll issue your healthcare card or TSI (tarjeta sanitaria individual ). You’ll need your social security number and your padrón. This is also sometimes refered to as a SIP card in Valencia and other regions (Sistema de Información Poblacional).
- Be assigned a personal general practitioner (GP) or health center. They’ll be your pathway into the medical system and help you if you require specialist or hospital care.
In Catalunya I access CatSalud services via a webportal. I can communicate with a GP or nurse online to get assistance.
Emergency Care: In an emergency, due to illness or injury, you will receive vital primary healthcare regardless of your status. You can go directly to any hospital or medical center’s emergency room and will be treated. Call 112 in case of an emergency for assistance.
You will get a card for public healthcare in Spain similar to this. Each region has it´s own health system.
Challenges of the Public System
The Spanish national health system is world-class, but it does have challenges. If you are from the international community, you should consider these.
- Unless you are fortunate, you’ll receive care in Spanish or the local language.
- As a public patient, you have little choice over your physician or treatments.
- Wait time for elective procedures and non-emergency care can be long.
- The government doctor will not use certain expensive prescription medications and treatments.
Our Experience of Private Medical Care in Spain
The public system in Spain provides exceptional care in our experience. Our family has used different services and facilities in Catalunya over the years. The standard is kind, professional, and helpful staff and care. We’ve struggled with language and bureaucracy, and appointment wait time can be frustrating. As a result, we use our private care where we can.
READ ALSO: Spanish Health Insurance for Residency & Visas >> Complete 2024 Guide
Useful Terms For Naviagating The Spanish Medical System
Spanish Term | English Translation |
Analítica de Sangre | Blood Test |
Atención Primaria | Primary Care |
Baja por Enfermedad | Sick Leave |
Centro de Salud | Health Center |
Cita Previa | Prior Appointment |
Cuadro Médico | Medical Staff/Directory |
Diagnóstico | Diagnosis |
Emergencia | Emergency |
Enfermedad | Disease/Illness |
Especialista | Specialist |
Farmacia | Pharmacy |
Historial Médico | Medical History |
Hospital | Hospital |
Médico de Familia | Family Doctor |
Radiografía | X-ray |
Receta Médica | Prescription |
Sala de Espera | Waiting Room |
Seguridad Social | Social Security (Healthcare) |
Seguro Médico | Health Insurance |
Síntomas | Symptoms |
Sistema de Salud | Health System |
Tarjeta Sanitaria | Health Card |
Tarjeta de Seguro Médico | Health Insurance Card |
Tratamiento | Treatment |
Urgencias | Emergency Room |
Vacuna | Vaccine |
Next Steps
Medical care in Spain ranks with the best in Europe and beyond. The vast majority of our interactions have been positive, and the care is as good as we’ve had anywhere in our Expat lives. The staff and care have been brilliant, from public emergency room hospitals to private specialist visits. You are in good hands with both private and public healthcare in Spain.
FAQ – Healthcare in Spain
Is the healthcare in Spain good?
Yes, the healthcare system in Spain is excellent. The WHO and OECD rank it in the top 10 countries in the world.
Do foreigners get free healthcare in Spain?
Yes, but only residents who qualify (usually by paying social security fund contributions). Many Expats opt to pay for private medical insurance in Spain for immigration requirements and convinience. Everyone can get free emergency primary care if they need it.
Can a US citizen get healthcare in Spain?
Yes, US citizens can get Spanish private health insurance or qualify for public healthcare in Spain.
How do you get emergency care in Spain
Call 112 or visit the nearest hospital emergency room.
What is Convenio Especial?
Convenio Especial is a pay-in public insurance option for those ineligible for free SNS coverage, providing access to the state healthcare system for a monthly fee and covers all pre-existing conditions but does not cover prescriptions.
I need to clarify one small but crucial point. If I retire in Spain (from Canada) under the non-lucrative Visa, and then acquire permanent residency after five years, can I then apply to the public healthcare system? Given that private insurance becomes more costly as one ages, particularly after 75 (if at all), the implications could be quite serious.
Hi Kevin. Spanish Permanent Residence (PR) does not automatically entitle you to Public Healthcare in Spain. You’ll still need a qualify. Ensure you check out Spain’s private healthcare options. – one of our providers can offer a “premium for life” ensuring you can budget your healthcare costs forever. All the best, Alastair
We have been permanent Spanish residents (57 & 65 years respectively USA and UK passports but pensions from the USA only at this point due to age). Is there a way to get Spanish public Healthcare? The Andalusia is asking for pension paper. Can we submit the USA Social Security pension for this? Thanks
Hi Stephanie – Spain and the USA don’t have a reciprocal Social Security agreement, so Andalusia won’t recognize your Social Security pension for healthcare. I’m not 100% sure what they are requesting, but you could explore the convenio especial con la Seguridad as an option, given you are a permanent resident of Spain. All the best, Alastair
We, my husband and I are considering relocation to Spain. What would be the steps we should take to sign up for residency and health care? We are 65 and older.
Thank you ahead of time, PaTricia
Hi PaTricia – you can start with our guide to Private Health Insurance in Spain for Residency – then use our quote to get qualifying quotes. All the best, Alastair
I intend to apply for residency by virtue of being born in Cuba, During the 2 years before I can apply for Spanish citizenship, would I need to purchase private insurance or can I opt to pay social security taxes and avail myself of the public system?
Thanks for any info.
Hi Marcelo – Your Cuban citizenship entitles you to an accelerated 2-year naturalization citizenship. However, you still need a long-term Spanish visa or residence permit to live in Spain for two years. The type of healthcare available will depend on the visa type. All the best, Alastair
We receive healthcare here in the US from the VA. Know if Spain accepts payment from the VA? Thank you
Hi Barbara. In general, VA payments are not accepted in the Spanish healthcare system and are definitely not accepted for residency and visa applications. All the best, Alastair
I am moving to Spain for winters only (less than 6 months) from Finland, what would you recommend for me?
Hi Anita – you’ll need a Spanish residence permit to live in Spain for over 90 days. Your EU passport entitles you to residency, but you’ll still need to follow the process for EU citizens moving to Spain. All the best, Alastair