Alison Johnson
Alison has lived in Zimbabwe, South Africa, the UK, the USA, Hong Kong, Australia, and Spain. The experience of living in so many countries and cultures has enriched her life – the new friendships and new perspectives have been life-changing.
In 2015, she planned a one-year Spanish sabbatical – a break from a long demanding career in investment banking, but she’s still extending the stay. She lives in a small town just south of Barcelona with her teenage son and husband, Alastair.
The slower pace and healthier attitude to life in Spain, plus a brilliant school in Barcelona, were the deciding factors in staying long-term and making Spain their home.
To stay in Spain, Alison decided on a complete career change. She is now an experienced digital marketer and can tell you all about becoming self-employed in Spain (Autonomo). She loves sharing knowledge on schooling and different aspects of living in and moving to Spain.