Two male students walking down the street in a Spanish University

Are you considering studying at a Spanish University? Spain is a great place to study as an exchange student or a permanent one. It has a rich, vibrant culture, warm sunny weather, and a highly regarded education system. If you want help to choose the right Spanish University for you, read on.

College / University in Spain

The first hurdle to cross is the language difference. Are you a fluent Spanish speaker? If you plan to study for your degree in the Spanish language, you are usually required to have at least a B2 level. Many universities offer an Intensive Spanish course before you begin your studies. But this is only advisable for people already proficient in Spanish, not beginners. Reaching B2 is having basic fluency with a working vocabulary of around 4000 words. But if this is not attainable, many universities offer degrees taught in English. Even so, you will get far more out of your time at a Spanish university if you make an effort to learn the language.

English Medium Universities in Spain

Universities in Madrid

Madrid is Spain’s capital and a large and exciting city to study. It is home to several of the best Spanish universities popular among international students.

Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)

UCM is one of Spain’s oldest and largest universities, with a diverse student body that includes many international students. It has excellent programs in humanities, social sciences, and STEM fields.

To enroll in UCM courses taught in Spanish, you will require a B2 level of Spanish or higher.

UCM degrees with significant coursework in English include Business Administration, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, Education, English Studies, Physics, and Psychology. Outside of these degrees, English offerings are rare and alter yearly.

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)

UPM is a leading technical university in Spain with a strong focus on engineering and science. It has a large international community and offers programs in both Spanish and English. Here is a link to their entire offering of undergrad courses taught in English.

IE University

IE University is a private university in Madrid known for its business programs. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in both English and Spanish.

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)

Commonly known by its Spanish initials UAM or as “la Autónoma.” It is a public university known for its social sciences and humanities research. It has a large international community and offers English-medium exchange programs.

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)

UC3M is a public university renowned for its excellent economics, business, and engineering courses. UC3M was a pioneer in offering English medium for its most popular degrees. It now offers the possibility of taking most of their undergraduate studies entirely in English or as a bilingual degree.

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English Medium Universities in Barcelona

Barcelona is a beautiful city to enjoy student life. It also boasts some of the best universities in Spain. With a rich cultural heritage, great weather, vibrant nightlife, and a beach, what more could you want? Remember, Barcelona is in Catalonia, so the official language here is Catalan, not Spanish.

Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

UPF is a public research university in Barcelona that offers undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields. These include social sciences, humanities, business, and engineering. It is recognized for its international focus and has a large community of international students and faculty. Bachelor’s degrees in English include Audiovisual Systems Engineering, Computer Engineering, Global Studies, Industrial Technologies, International Business Economics, Law, and Telecommunications Engineering.

Esade Business School

Esade is a private business school in Barcelona that offers undergraduate and graduate programs in business and management. It is known for its international reputation and its strong focus on entrepreneurship. They offer numerous courses 100% in English and others that are bilingual.

Barcelona School of Economics (BSE)

BSE is a research institution in Barcelona that offers graduate programs in economics, finance, and data science. It offers programs in English and attracts a diverse and international student body.

EADA Business School Barcelona

EADA is a private business school in Barcelona that offers undergraduate and graduate programs in business and management. Its programs are in English medium and get praise for their practical focus and international perspective.

International University of Catalonia (UIC Barcelona)

UIC Barcelona is a private university in Barcelona that offers undergraduate and graduate programs in subjects such as health sciences, social sciences, and architecture. Its programs are in English medium, attracting students from around the globe.

English Medium Universities in Valencia

Valencia has a vibe similar to Barcelona but is smaller and cheaper. It also has a beautiful beach and a buzzing nightlife. It is home to several universities that offer degree courses in English.

Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV):

UPV is a public technical university offering undergraduate and graduate engineering, architecture, and science programs. Many courses are offered in English.

Universidad Catolica de Valencia San Vicente Martir (UCV)

UCV is a private university that offers undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields, including health sciences, social sciences, and humanities. It offers programs in both Spanish and English.

Florida Universitaria

This private Spanish university in Valencia offers undergraduate and graduate business, tourism, and communication programs. Its programs are taught in English and draw many international students.

Berklee College of Music Valencia

Berklee is a preeminent American music college with Boston, NYC, and Valencia, Spain campuses. The private music college offers undergraduate and graduate music performance, production, and technology programs. It offers programs in English and attracts talented musicians from around the world. Expect fees in line with the top American universities.

European University of Valencia (UEV)

UEV is a private university offering undergraduate and graduate business, law, and communication programs. Its programs are in English medium, and its student body comprises around 1/3 of international students.

It is important to note that the availability of courses taught in English may vary depending on the program and the university. It is always best to check with the university directly to confirm which courses are taught in English and the admission requirements.

English Medium Universities in Malaga

Another wonderful Spanish city to spend your student days in. You could do far worse than attend a Spanish University in this flourishing city! Excellent tapas bars, a thriving old town, and lovely beaches complete the picture. And Malaga has the best winter weather of all the above locations.

University of Malaga (UMA)

UMA is a public research university that offers undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields, including humanities, social sciences, science, and engineering. It has a solid international reputation. Spanish is the primary language of instruction, but some subjects are offered in English. However, these are in high demand since student numbers are limited per course.

Marbella International University Centre (MIUC)

Located in lovely Marbella just down the coast, MIUC is a private university offering undergraduate and graduate business, psychology, and media programs. Its programs are in English medium and draw many international students.

Les Roches Marbella International School of Hotel Management

Also in Marbella, this private hospitality management school in Marbella Les Roches offers undergraduate and graduate programs in hospitality management. Its programs are taught in English and are world-renowned.

Instituto de Empresa (IE) University

IE University is for students who approach learning as a way of life. IE is a private university offering undergraduate and graduate business and law programs. Its programs are in English medium, and it provides a personalized, student-centric approach. Over 130 nationalities are represented yearly, with over 75% of international students attending this popular Spanish university.

Best Universities in Spain – Ranked

There are many excellent universities in Spain, but the exact rankings can vary depending on the criteria and methodology used. Here are some of the universities that often rank in the top 500 universities worldwide.

  • University of Barcelona
  • Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Pompeu Fabra University
  • University of Navarra
  • Autonomous University of Madrid
  • Complutense University of Madrid
  • Open University of Catalonia
  • Universitat Ramon Llull
  • University of Valencia
  • University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia

How to get a Student Visa

If you want to study at a Spanish University, you may need immigration permission. Find out how to qualify and apply with our guide to Spain’s Student Visa.

How Much Does Spanish University Cost?

The cost of attending university in Spain can vary depending on several factors. Are you a resident of the European Union or a non-EU student? Is it a public or private university? Which program you choose will also affect the cost. Public universities in Spain generally charge lower tuition fees than private universities.

For EU students, tuition fees range from around €680 to €2,000 per year, depending on the program and the university. Non-EU students generally pay higher tuition fees, ranging from €4,000 to €24,000 annually.

The cost of living in Spain varies depending on the city, with larger cities generally being more expensive. Rent, transportation, and food are significant expenses to consider. On average, students can expect to spend between €800 and €1,200 per month on living expenses. Textbooks can cost around €300 per year. Healthcare is usually covered by a student insurance plan that costs around €60 per month.

Attending a Spanish university is generally relatively affordable compared to other European countries, particularly for EU students attending public universities.

Will You Choose to Study at a Spanish University?

If you choose to go to university in Spain, you will get an excellent education. And you have the opportunity to have a blast at the same time! With the vibrant nightlife, great beaches, and warm weather, it’s hard to beat going to a Spanish university.


  1. Hi, my daughter has been accepted at a Spanish university. She will be doing 1year of masters degree. Starts in September. We need help with visa etc. I will also be there for first 3 months.

    1. Hi Jenny. With the tight timelines, you’ll need to get started with your daughter’s student visa application as soon as possible. You can stay 90 days on a standard SCHENGEN tourist Visa. Our immigration partner, Rachel, has worked with many international students to ensure their student visa applications are accepted. You can book a call with her here: All the best to you and your daughter for her studies in Spain, Alastair.

  2. Hi, I’m an American citizen here in the EU on a tourist visa. I want to apply for the spanish student visa. Do you help with that? I read that to apply outside of our origin country, we must apply directly within Spain, would you/ your immigration lawyers be able to do that for me? I’m currently in Croatia. My tourist visa is up January 5th. I’m 32 years old and married, so I’d also be bringing my husband along with me. I took a look at the universities you listed, are those the only qualified educational institutions that I could apply to for the Spanish Student Visa?

  3. Hi there,

    How do i access the £50 per year student insurance? Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

  4. Hi I am looking to apply for a teaching position in spain. I am wondering what the best visa is for this position. It will be greater than 90 days

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