Kensington School is a multilingual British School in Pozuelo, Madrid, offering English language immersion in a British school. Their committed, native teachers deliver the Spanish and the United Kingdom curricula in a personalized approach to learning and have maintained high teaching standards for over 50 years. Kensington School has a reputation for Excellence and has a State-of the-Art Campus.
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Kensington School Madrid
Kensington School is a multilingual British School in Pozuelo, Madrid, offering English language immersion in a British school. Their committed, native teachers deliver the Spanish and the United Kingdom curricula in a personalized approach to…
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British, IB – International Baccalaureate, Spanish
Primary Language:
Child’s Age:
From 3 to 18
School Address:
Avenida Bularas, 2, 28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain