Liceo Sorolla International School is a private, co-educational school located in Madrid. The school offers a unique model based on active methodologies and a solid language program with English, Spanish and French for students aged between 2 and 18 years old. The schools offers International teaching, academic excellence (including the International Baccalaureate tests) and Educational innovations.
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Liceo Sorolla International School
Liceo Sorolla International School is a private, co-educational school located in Madrid. The school offers a unique model based on active methodologies and a solid language program with English, Spanish and French for students aged…
Want to know more about Liceo Sorolla International School?
IB – International Baccalaureate
Primary Language:
Child’s Age:
From 2 to 18
School Address:
Avda. Bularas 4 28224 – Pozuelo de Alarcón Madrid, Spain