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Before you go, we have an incredible limited-time offer just for you!

Enjoy a hassle-free move with our unique interactive checklist

Stop stressing and get moving.

You have made the big decision to move to Spain! How exciting! However, we know that with so many decisions to make and tasks to organize, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to begin.

That’s why we’ve created a unique online interactive checklist specifically designed to make your move seamless and stress-free.

Our online, interactive checklist breaks your move into bite-sized pieces where we explain everything clearly in videos and guides. 

We also include our bonus Moving Budget planner to give you clarity and control over your costs.



You’ve made the exciting decision to move to Spain

There are so many things to think about.  Where do you start?

Which visa is the best for you and your family?

What healthcare is right for you?

How can you relocate your pets?

Which school should your children go to?

How much income will I need?

What are all the things you have to do when you arrive?

Our Interactive Moving Checklist and Moving Budget Planner will give you clarity and control over your move.

Interactive Moving Checklist

Online and always available on your mobile phone, tablet, or laptop

Save your progress for the next time you come back.

Each task has a link to clear, up-to-date guidance on the subject.

Use our free quote tools to save you time and money.

Add your own to-dos for a fully personalized, stress-free experience.

This is your personal roadmap to a stress-free life in Spain!

Moving Budget Planner

We’ve used our experience, contacts in Spain, and the opinions of many other Expats to create a comprehensive moving to Spain budget planner. It’ll ensure you have no nasty expense surprises as we did! We cover the following moving costs :

Immigration, visas, and residency

Movers, packing, and storage

Furniture, schools, and appliances

Short-term rentals and accommodation deposits

And loads more!

Our easy guides, recommended suppliers and links to information make gathering this information super simple.



Get the Admin done sooner and start enjoying Spanish life

When my family and I moved to Spain eight years ago, we quickly learned that the first few months were tough for us as newbies. Dealing with Spanish red tape and bureaucracy was a total pain, especially since our Spanish language skills weren’t that great.

We didn’t have anyone to turn to for help and couldn’t find any reliable websites. So, we ended up asking other Expats for advice and hired lawyers who ripped us off with their bad service. It was super stressful, and we made a lot of mistakes that we didn’t want you to make.

That’s why we made this online checklist just for you. Our aim is to help you get organized and feel in control. And if you’re confused about something, we’ve included quick links to guide you to the information you need. 

Consider this your personal roadmap to a relaxed new life in Spain!

I had completely forgotten about some of the costs of moving to Spain such as getting my driver’s license and the enrollment fees at the school. The calculator helped me to work out the real cost of moving.

Theresa Knowles

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