Showcase your school to expats moving to and Living in Spain.

International Schools Premium Directory Listing

Children in a classroom in one of the schools in Spain

What you Get with a Premium Listing

An SEO-optimized page marked as Verified and listed at the top of the directory.

Information and Media to promote your school to propsective parents.

A message from the Director or Head of the school, Your Logo and Social Media Links, 6 Photographs, and a video of your school.

Location, URL, Email Address, Google Map, Fees, Physical Address, Languages, Curriculum, and Stages.

Any other information you would like to add to your page, such as Teaching Ethos, Facilities, Extra Curricular Activities, School Results, and Support for Special needs.

After payment, you will be directed to a form where you can upload YOUR information and media to promote your school to our community.
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